Running Reports
Once you've connected at least one Company you're ready to run the Joiin reports. For more information on what reports are available see the Joiin Reports section. See other articles for information on Eliminating accounts, adding Adjustments and setting Budgets.
Simply select the Report from the menu on the left, select the filter criteria and click on Run. The results will be displayed. Once you've run a report, the filters will be saved and it will run automatically when you return to that report.
Scrolling Tips
The results will be displayed in tabular form. If there are a lot of columns you can scroll from right to left to see more columns. Scrolling can be easily achieved, depending on your device and setting options include:
- Traditional Mouse with wheel - Hold down shift key and spin the mouse wheel
- Trackpad - Use two fingers and move left and right
- Magic Mouse - Swipe left and right
Drilling Down
You can click on a figure on a report to see the underlying journals that make up that figure. From the individual Journal you can then link to the related transaction (Invoice, Bill etc.) in the source system. See this article for more information.
NOTE: Journals are displayed in their original currency, regardless of the reporting currency.
NOTE: If you want to open the results in a separate tab you can hold down the CTRL (or Command on mac) key and click or use the right-click menu - see below.
Right Click and Keyboard Shortcuts
You can hover over any figure on a report and click your right mouse button to bring up the context menu.
With this context menu you can choose the following options
- Add to Quick Total - select the item for inclusion in the Quick Totals - see Quick Totals section
- View Breakdown - view the underlying journals that make up this amount, in a separate tab - as per Drilling Down section
- Copy - copies the figure into the clipboard - for pasting elsewhere
The right-context menu also shows the keyboard shortcut that can be used to perform the action.
Downloading to Excel
To download the results to an Excel file, click on the Download icon at the top right, below the Run button.
Printing Reports
To print the report or to save it as a PDF, click on the Print icon at the top right.
When you click this button you will be presented with the print dialog where you can select the printing format (portrait/landscape), paper size etc. You can select a printer to print to or select Save as PDF to save the document as a PDF.
Viewing Exchange Rates
If currency conversion was performed, the Exchange Rates used can be viewed by clicking on the Fx Rates button above the report results. More information on how exchange rates work and how they can be customised can be found in the Exchange Rates section.
Creating Custom Reports
To create a custom version of the report click on the Create custom report button. See the Custom Reports article for more information.
Adding Report to a Report Pack
To save the report to a Report Pack click on the Add to Report pack button. See the Report Pack article for more information.
Collapsing/Expanding results
You can collapse or expand all the sections within a report in one simple operation. Simply click on the 3-dot menu at the top-left of the report results (next to the first section heading). Select Collapse groups to collapse all sections. Select Expand groups to expand all sections.
Quick Totals
When you are viewing report results you can hold down the Alt (or Option on mac) key and click to select it (or use the right context menu). When you select a value it turns green, indicating that it has been selected. Click on the value again to deselect it.
A count and sum of all the green values will be displayed in the bottom right hand corner.
To deselect all values and hide the totals box, click on the close (cross) icon.
Balancing Indicator
On the Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Custom Balance Sheet reports, a message will display if the report does not balance. For more information on this see the Balancing Indicator section.
Filtering Data
There are several controls available that allow you to filter and display the report data in different ways. The Main Filters are listed below, followed by additional Display Filters which allow you to further control what is shown on screen.
Once you've selected filters and run a report for the first time, each time you visit a report it will be run automatically using the previously selected filters. NOTE that not all filters below are available on the A/R Ageing Report - for more information on that report see the A/R Ageing Report section.
Companies or Groups
The first step in reporting is to select the Companies you wish to report on. If you have created groups then you can either report by company or report by group.
Reporting by Company allows you to select individual companies and allows you to break the results down by company using the by Company compare option - see below.
Reporting by Group allows you to select individual groups and allows you to break the results down by grouo using the by Group compare option - see below.
You can select multiple companies/groups and if you do Joiin will merge the figures into a single report. The Accounts from the Chart of Accounts of each Company will be merged based on the Account Type, Account Code and Account Name. You can change this through the Reporting Configuration page if needed.
Form more information on how accounts from Xero/QuickBooks/Sage are mapped to Joiin see the Account Mapping section.
Reporting by Company
Click on the companies selector to select the companies you want to run the report for.
If you have groups you will have the option to Report by Group or Report by Company - click on Report by company and then you can select the required companies.
You can quickly select multiple companies by click on the group names at the top.
You also have the option to search for companies and Select All or Deselect All companies. Once you've selected your companies click on the Apply Changes button to run the report.
NOTE: If adjustments have been applied to a company, a blue "A" icon will appear next to it.
NOTE: If a company data is currently being refreshed then it will be greyed out and a loading symbol displayed.
Reporting by Group
This option is available if you have created groups. Click on the companies/groups button to bring up the groups selector. Click on Report by Group and select the desired groups.
You also have the option to search for groups and Select All or Deselect All groups. Once you've selected your groups click on the Apply Changes button to run the report. The report will run combining the results for all companies within all the selected groups. The by Group compare option will be available after you have done this - see below.
You can create a new group by clicking on the Create a group button. This will bring up the Create Group popup - enter the name of the group and select the desired companies and click Save to create the new group.
You can manage all groups by clicking on the Manage groups button. This will take you to the Manage Groups page.
Click on the Currency selector to choose the currency you wish to see the report in.
If you select a currency that is different to the home currency of the company in QuickBooks, Xero or Sage, Joiin will automatically convert the values (see the Exchange Rates section for more information on how currency conversion is performed and how you can customise rates).
You can search for currencies by typing in the search box. You cna also quickly access your recently used currencies or the currencies of your connected entities. Once you've selected the currency click on the Apply Changes button to run the report.
Click on the period selector to choose the period(s) you wish to run your report for.
The Period selector is split into sections
Common formats
This section provides a common list of reporting formats for quick access. Clicking on a format will set the Time Period and Compare filters (see below) automatically. After choosing, click on Apply Changes to run the report.
You can search for formats by typing in the Search box to filter the results.
A list of your most recently used formats appears at the top of the list.
Time period
If your required format is not in the list of common formats you can set the Start and End dates to whatever months you require. The period length will be shown below the Start and End Dates.
For the P&L based reports the data shown will be the totals for the period selected - e.g. if you select Apr 2021 - Nov 2021 - the data will be the sum of all the transactions on P&L accounts for April 2021 to Nov 2021 inclusive. For Balance Sheet based reports the data shown will be the account values at the End Month selected.
NOTE: The periods available will depend on the dates you have configured for your Company - see the Company Management section for more information. The first month available will be the month you have set for Company import Start Date. If you have selected more than one Company then the Month available will be the month of the latest Company import start date.
Locking Period Length
You can lock the start and end dates so that the period length stays the same - when you change the Start Date, the End Date will change with it to keep the period the same. To lock the dates click on the lock symbol. Click the symbol again to unlock.
You can compare the results against other periods or break the results down by company or category using the Compare option. You can select multiple options to compare across multiple dimensions, e.g. by period and category. The options available are:
to Previous Period
Compare the results to the previous period - e.g. if you selected the current month you would see the previous month - if you selected the current Quarter you would see the previous quarter etc. The number of periods to display can be selected from the Periods to Compare dropdown - see below. Additional periods will be displayed in chronological order, from left to right.
to Previous Year
Compare the results to the same period in the previous year. e.g. if you selected Mar - May 2024 you would see this period alongside Mar - May 2023. The number of years to display can be selected from the Periods to Compare dropdown - see below.
to Financial year to date
Compare the results to the results for the financial year to date. e.g. if you selected March 2024 and the fiscal year start of your company was Jan 2024 you would see the results for March alongside the results for Jan - March.
NOTE: If you are running reports for companies with different fiscal years the fiscal year start of each company will be taken into account when calculating the YTD figure.
by Company/by Group
See the results for each selected company or group in a separate column. See reporting by company or group section above for more information on how to use companies and groups.
NOTE: When comparing by company, any Joiin Budgets you have created that do not have a specific company set, will not be available.
by Category/Class/Location
See the results broken down by Xero Tracking Category or QuickBooks Class or Location - only available on Profit & Loss reports. Joiin will use any Xero Tracking Categories or QuickBooks Classes or Locations that exist on your companies when displaying data by category. This option will only be available if you selected a QuickBooks company or a Xero company which has Tracking Categories set up. If you selected a Xero company with categories you will be able to select which Tracking Category to use with the Categories dropdown - see below. For QuickBooks companies only two Categories are available: Classes and Locations. The By Category option is currently not available for Sage.
You can optionally choose with category/class/location options to include in your results by selecting them from the Options dropdown.
NOTE the to Previous period and to Financial year to date options may not be available if the Company Import Start Date is not far enough in the past. For more information on configuring Import dates see Managing Companies.
NOTE: There is currently a limit of 500 Options within each Category. If you have more than 500, that Category will be unavailable in Joiin.
Periods to Compare
If you have selected To Previous Period or To Previous Year in the Compare dropdown you can also select the number of periods you want to see. Additional periods will be displayed in chronological order, from left to right. This is a useful way to see, for example, the years results month-on-month. For example to view the results for 2018 simply select Dec 2018 for the Report Period, select To Previous Period from the Compare dropdown and select 11 from the Periods to Compare dropdown.
Group Columns By
If you have selected more than one compare option you have the option to choose how you want the options ordered, For example, Company then Period or Period then Company. This controls what display as the main-heading and what is the sub-heading.
Once you have set the period(s) you require for your report click the Apply Changes button to run the report.
Elimination Settings
You can control how Eliminations are handled by clicking on the Elimination selector at the top right.
NOTE: Accounts may be eliminated through the Eliminations page in Joiin - the settings here control how those eliminations are applied.
The button will show the currently selected setting - when you click on it you get one of four options as below. After selecting an option and clicking OK the setting will be saved and the report will be run.
Elimination Method | Description |
Show all accounts | No accounts will be removed from reports, whether they have been marked as Eliminated or not. This helps to run a report without any eliminations, saving you from having to individually remove and re-add eliminations. |
Remove Eliminated Accounts | Accounts that you have marked as Eliminated will be removed from all reports. |
Show Eliminated Accounts only | All accounts apart from those you have marked as Eliminated will be removed from all reports. This can be helpful to run checks to see what eliminated amounts come to. |
Show Eliminations in Columns | This gives you the option to choose which columns you wish to display Elimination information. The options are: Before - the value before any eliminations have been applied Eliminated - the value of any eliminations After - the value after eliminations have been applied You can also choose whether these columns are displayed for every period/company or as a single column - this is useful when running a report in By Period or By Company. Columns - choose these options to display a column for each Period or Company Totals - choose these options to display a column with a single elimination value for all Periods or Companies |
Elimination Sets
If you have more than one Elimination Set, you can choose which one to apply when running a report. Simply select the required set from the Eliminations Set dropdown.
Display Filters
Below the main filters are additional display filters. These are toggles which control what is displayed on screen and can be adjusted without the need to run the report again. The available display filters depend on the type of report and the main filters that have been selected.
This filter is displayed when the Compare By Period main filter has been selected. Switching it on will cause the change from one period to another to be displayed on the report. This filter contains two options:
Option | Description |
Change | The change in value from one period to another will be displayed. |
% Change | The percentage change from one period to another will be displayed. |
% Split
This filter is displayed when the Compare By Company or Compare By Category main filter has been selected. Switching it on will cause the percentage split across each company/category to be displayed on the report.
This filter is displayed if you have Budgets in Xero or QuickBooks for the selected companies and period(s). Clicking it will bring up further options for how budget data is to be displayed.
Option | Description |
No budget | No budget data will be displayed. |
Budget vs Actual | The budget data will be displayed alongside the actual amounts for comparison purposes. There are three columns that you can choose to display. |
Budget value | The budget amount will be displayed |
Budget variance | The budget variance (difference between actual and budget amount) will be displayed. |
Budget variance % | The budget variance percentage (percentage difference between actual and budget amount) will be displayed. |
Budget only | Budget data will be displayed instead of Actuals. This is a useful tool for planning consolidated budgets as you can view budgets using your custom report layouts for example. |
For more information see the Budgets section.
Percent of Sales
Selecting this filter will show the percentage of the Total Revenue for each account. This can be useful when developing budgets and forecasting future values of Profit and Loss items such as Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold or Expenses. For example, if the historical cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales has been 42%, then the same percentage can be applied to a forecast sales level. It can also be useful for some Balance Sheet items, such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory.
This filter is displayed when the Compare to Previous Period/Year or Compare by Company/Category main filters have been selected. Switching it on will show an additional column at the end of the report with the total of all the main column values.
This filter is displayed when the Compare to Previous Period/Year or Compare by Company/Category main filters have been selected. Switching it on will show an additional column at the end of the report with the average of all the main column values.
Compact View
This toggle allows you to switch Compact View on or off.
Compact View displays the report results with some data such as Budgets, % Change and Percent of Sales displayed stacked below the actual amount - this view means you can fit more on the screen and is useful to see info at a glance or in report packs and presentations.
Switching Compact View off displays the data in a more traditional tabular style with each value in a separate column.