
You can change global settings that control how Joiin works through the Reporting Configuration tab of the Settings page.

To get to the Reporting Configuration page click on the Settings menu at the top right (cog icon) and select Reporting Configuration.

NOTE - you must have Admin rights to access this menu item

The following settings can be changed.


Consolidation By

Controls how Joiin consolidates and merges accounts when running reports.  By default Joiin consolidates based on Account Type and Name - so accounts from different companies with the same Type and Name will be merged into a single account when viewing Joiin reports.  This can be changed to consolidate only by Type and Code or only by Type, Code and Name.

NOTE: If you want to consolidate accounts that have different codes and names this is still possible by using the Grouping feature within Custom Reports.


Change whether Account Code and/or Account Name are displayed when viewing reports. 

Sort By

Choose how Joiin sorts the accounts in financial report results. You can choose to sort by Code or Name, either Ascending or Descending. If you have chosen to consolidate by Code only, you can only select to sort by Code. If you have chosen to consolidate by Name only, you can only select to sort by Name.

Exchange Rates

See the Exchange Rates section for more information on these settings.

Report Display

Hide zero value accounts

Select this option to prevent accounts with zero amounts from appearing within reports.

Hide zero value groups

Select this option to prevent groups with zero totals from appearing within reports.

Hide decimal places

Select this option to show values without decimal places, rounded to the nearest whole value.

Hide currency symbol

Select this option to hide the currency symbol that is displayed with report results.

Currency Format

This setting allows you to control the way the currency is displayed. There are two options available:

CurrencyDisplays negative values without brackets.
AccountancyDisplays negative values in brackets.