
The chart of accounts is a listing of all accounts used in the general ledger of an organisation and is a cornerstone of any financial system.  Joiin reports on the balance of accounts at a certain period of time and therefore a list of accounts from the source system (Xero, QuickBooks, Sage or manual) has to be maintained to ensure accurate reporting.

The Chart of Accounts tab on the Settings page allows you to view and manage those accounts.

Chart of Accounts

You access the Chart of Accounts by selecting Settings from the top right menu (cog icon) and select the Chart of Accounts tab. The Chart of Accounts page displays a list of all the consolidated Accounts from the Chart of Accounts of all the Companies you've connected to.  

The accounts are grouped into Balance Sheet and Profit And Loss accounts - click on the tab at the top to select one or the other.

When you connect to new companies or remove old ones and whenever a data refresh occurs (either manually or automatically each day) the list of accounts will be updated.  

List of Accounts

A list of all accounts is displayed. Accounts with the same type, code and name (depending on your configuration) will be merged into a single account name in the same way that occurs when you run the Joiin reports.  The list has the following columns.

TYPEJoiin Account Type. See the Chart of Accounts Mappings article for more information on account mapping. 
UNDERLYING ACCOUNTSNumber of underlying accounts. This shows the number of company accounts that are grouped under this account name. There will be one account for each company containing that account - and if manual mapping has occurred (see mapping section below) there may be more accounts. The Consolidate symbol will appear next to the number if there are manually mapped accounts.

Click on the down arrow on the left to expand the row and see the underlying accounts.

STATUSThe status of the account: Active, Inactive or Mixed. Mixed means the account is in more than one company and is Active in some and Inactive others. To see more detail on the status per company, see the exporting section below.

Filtering List of Accounts

The list of accounts can be filtered by entering text or selecting filters at the top.  Accounts can be filtered by whether it is a Balance Sheet or Profit And Loss account and by account name/code, type, company and status.

Mapping Chart of Accounts

You can map and group accounts together so that, in all reports, multiple accounts will appear under a single name. This can be useful for:

  • identifying and fixing naming anomalies and typos across multiple entities
  • grouping similar accounts such as bank accounts
  • managing regional categorisation differences such as Expense accounts

To group accounts together, select the accounts you wish to group, e.g. Bank Fees and Bank Charges, and click on the Consolidate Accounts button.

You will be prompted to select the "Primary" account under which to group all the accounts. In all reports, only the primary account name will be seen, all the underlying accounts will be combined into a single value for the primary account.

Click on Merge to complete the process.


You can revert a manual grouping back to its original state. You can see where an account has been grouped when the consolidation symbol appears next to the number of underlying accounts.

Click on the down arrow to expand the row and see the list of underlying accounts. Then click on the Restore button against the account you wish to restore to its original state.

AI COA Suggestions

You can use our new AI engine to produce suggestions for how you should group your accounts. Simply click on the COA Suggestions button to search AI for suggestions.

 A list of suggestions will be presented, one at a time. You can choose to accept or skip each suggestion. When you have viewed all suggestions click the Apply button to make the changes.

TIP: COA Suggestions will be based on the accounts currently being viewed - so you can use the filters to refine the list and receive only suggestions relating to that list.

Exporting Chart of Accounts

You can export your Chart of Accounts to a CSV file by clicking on the CSV download button. 

The downloaded file will include the accounts that are appearing on screen - so if you have applied any filters they will also apply to the downloaded file. This is helpful, for example, to get a list of accounts for a single entity.

The download will include a column for each Company with the status of the account for that company - if the company does not have this account "Not found" will be displayed.

The download also displays whether the accounts has been Eliminated.