When comparing actuals against a budget in Joiin, a budget variance and variance % will be added to the report. The budget variances will be displayed as either a green (Positive) or red (Negative) figure. If an account or group of accounts are showing an incorrect colour for the budget variance, this can be changed.

To do so:

1. Create a custom report via the custom reports tab or edit an existing custom report

2. Click on the name of the group of accounts that show an incorrect variance to access the group editing option

3. Select the Budget Favorability box

4. Choose one of the options provided

The options provided within the budget favorability box will consist of:

Over Budget - If the actual for an account is higher than the budgeted value, Joiin will show a green (Positive) variance

Under Budget - If the actual for an account is lower than the budgeted value, Joiin will show a green (Positive) variance

Neutral - Joiin will show a black-and-white variance to indicate no budget favor

5. After selecting an option, click Accept to save the changes to this group

6. Save and run the custom report in order to check that the budget variance is showing correctly