
The Transactions Search page allows you to search for Transactions (such as Invoices, Bills, Payments, Credit Notes etc.) across all your entities.

Searching for Transactions

To access the Transactions Search page click on the Search item in the left menu. The first time you access the page all transactions across all companies will be included. The details of each transaction will be shown such as Date, Reference, Contact name and Total.

Searching and Filtering Results

You can enter a variety of search criteria to filter the results and find the transactions you need. The list of available filters is described below. Each time you search and narrow your results, some filters will change to reflect what is available within the current set of results.

CompaniesSelect the companies you wish to search for transactions in.
Search by textEnter text to find a specific transaction. The text will be searched for across all the fields of a transaction. So this can be used to search for a specific reference number or contact name for example.
Date rangeEnter a range of dates to search for transactions that fall within those dates. The transaction date, e.g. Invoice Date, will be used to match on.
Due Date rangeEnter a range of dates to search for transactions whose due dates fall within those dates. The transaction due date, e.g. Invoice Date, will be used to match on.
TypeSelect the types of transactions you wish to see, e.g. Invoice, Bill, Payment.
StatusSelect the statuses of the transactions you wish to see, e.g. Fully Paid, Outstanding, Partially Paid.
CurrencySelect the currencies of the transactions you wish to see.
ContactSelect the contacts you wish to see transactions for. You can search for contacts, deselect all and select all.

Clearing Filters

Click on the Clear Filters button at the top right to reset all filters, columns and sort order to their default settings.


The first 100 results will be displayed. If you have more than 100 results you can page through them using the paging tool at the bottom of the screen.


You can click on the column heading to sort the results by that criteria. The initial click will sort ascending and an up arrow will be displayed in the column heading, e.g.

Click again to sort descending - the direction of the arrow will change:

Selecting and Changing Column Order

You can choose which columns to display and change the order they appear in when viewing results. To do this

  • Click on the cog icon at the top right

  • Check/Uncheck the columns you wish to see/hide
  • Click and hold the three-bar icon at the left of the column name and drag/drop it into the place required.
  • Click on Apply changes

Resetting to default

You can reset the columns to the default values. To do this

  • Click on the cog icon at the top right

  • Click on Reset to default

NOTE: Any changes you make to the filter, columns and sort order will be saved in your browser for the next time you visit the page.

Downloading Results

You can download the search results by clicking on the download icon.