The Formula Editor

The Custom Report Formula Editor is used to create formulas in your custom reports. See our Custom Reports article for more information on Custom Reports.

The Formula Editor provides a text box where you can add Operands (Groups and Formulas from your Custom Report) and Operators (plus, minus, multiple, divide) to build a formula which will be calculated at the time the report is run. For example, in the simple formula above, when the report is run, the total of the Expenses group will be subtracted from the total of the Revenue group and results displayed.

Building a formula starts with the Add button.

Builder menu

You can click/tap on this with your mouse/finger or, when it is highlighted, press Enter on your keyboard to bring up the builder menu.

The builder menu shows you all the items you can add to your formula. There are several things you can do with the builder menu.

Search and select an Operand

You can scroll through the list of Functions/Groups/Formulas and choose the one you want. Alternatively you can enter text in the search box to find the Function/Group/Formula you want. 

NOTE: Functions, Formulas and Groups are coloured differently in the menu so you can distinguish between them.

Once you have narrowed down the list you can click/tap on the selection, or you can tap the Down arrow on the keyboard to select and press Enter and it will be added to the formula. The builder will automatically open, awaiting your next selection.

Select an Operator

You can choose an Operator (plus, minus, multiply, divide or parentheses) by clicking/tapping on the desired selection. Alternatively you can press the relevant key on your keyboard and this will immediately add that to your formula.

Add a number

You can add a number value to your formula by simply entering that number into the search box.

Then press enter to add it to the formula.

At this point the formula shows a green tick, indicating it is in an acceptable format. The formula box will show the red triangle icon if the formula is incorrect.

You can then carry on in this way, typing the operands and operators you need until you have the formula you want.

Deleting items

To delete an item, first select the item by either clicking/tapping on it, or by pressing the Left or Right arrows on your keyboard to move between items and pressing Enter once you have highlighted the desired item. The builder menu will appear - click on the Remove button to remove the item.

Alternatively press the Left or Right arrows on your keyboard to move between items and once you have highlighted the desired item, press the Backspace key to delete it.

Inserting items

To insert an item, first select an item that you want to place the new item next to by either clicking/tapping on it, or by pressing the Left or Right arrows on your keyboard to move between items and pressing Enter once you have highlighted the desired item. The builder menu will appear - click on either the Add before or Add after button to insert an item.

An item will be added into the desired position. The builder menu will remain open so you can then choose the operand or operator you wish to be inserted. Once you've selected you can continue to add other items in that position.

Keyboard Tips

  • When an item is highlighted, press the Enter key to bring up the builder menu.
  • When the builder menu is open, press Escape key to exit from the builder menu.
  • When an item is highlighted, press the Backspace key to delete the item